Terms of use
Site edited by :
6 Rue des Farfadets
Publishing manager : Françoise COMBET
Françoise COMBET EI
SIRET : 841 977 275 00038
VAT not applicable - Article 293 du CGI
To contact us :
E-mail : info@vintelec.com
Site hosted by :
O2switch ( https://www.o2switch.fr/)
The contents of the https://www.vintelec.com/fr/ online catalog have been carefully compiled from the documentation available at the time of writing.
Subject to typographical errors, errors in specifications and technical modifications without prior notice.
We accept no liability for errors.
Prices are given in €uros, all taxes included.
In the event of the display of an erroneous price, obviously derisory (low price), for whatever reason (computer bug, manual error, technical error, fraudulent use of the voucher system), the customer's order, even if it has already been validated by VINT'ELEC, will be cancelled, of which VINT'ELEC will inform the customer as soon as possible. The Customer, if he so wishes, will then have the possibility of placing his order again at the corrected and exact price.
We accept no responsibility for the content of external links.
Only the respective operators are responsible for the content of the linked pages.
Copyright VINT'ELEC
The contents of the https://www.vintelec.com/fr/ site are protected by copyright law.
Any other publication must be authorized in writing by VINT'ELEC.
Terms of use of the https://www.vintelec.com/fr/ website
VINT'ELEC owns and/or is authorized to use all rights relating to logos, trademarks, distinctive signs, product images, databases and software used in the course of its business.
Any total or partial representation or reproduction of these elements by any process whatsoever is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.